Telegram Advertising

As of the latest update on February 28, 2024, Mr. Pavel Durov has announced in his channel that Telegram will soon launch advertising. Channel owners will have the opportunity to earn 50% of the revenue generated by Telegram through ad clicks. Mr. Durov mentioned that they can receive their earnings through the Fragment website, but further details have not been provided yet. We will update this article as more information becomes available.

Mr. Dorf has published this post on his Telegram channel:

Next month, channel owners on Telegram can start receiving financial rewards from their work. Broadcast channels on Telegram generate 1 trillion views monthly. Currently, only 10% of these views are monetized with Telegram Ads ( — a promotion tool designed with privacy ( in mind. In March, the Telegram Ad Platform will officially open to all advertisers in nearly a hundred new countries. Channel owners in these countries will start receiving 50% of any revenue that Telegram makes from displaying ads in their channels. To ensure ad payments and withdrawals are fast and secure, we will exclusively use the TON blockchain. Similar to our approach with Telegram usernames on Fragment, ( we will sell ads and share revenue with channel owners in Toncoin. This will create a virtuous circle, in which content creators will be able to either cash out their Toncoins — or reinvest them in promoting and upgrading their channels

Telegram Advertising: Forced Ads Method

Advertising Methods in Telegram – To generate income from your Telegram channel or group, or to introduce your channel to others, you must use various extensive advertising methods for your channel. There are various methods for this, and some methods have fewer member increases, such as forced ads. In this article, we intend to provide you with information on advertising and its types so that you can carry out advertising for your channel or group with more knowledge.

In this method, those who implement this plan use programs or websites so that when the user enters the program or site, they are automatically entered into your channel or group. In this method, the probability of the drop of subscribers and users from this method is much higher, and on average, 40% of the users who become members of your channel or group through this type of advertising have the possibility of dropping.

It is worth mentioning that the higher the number of members in your channel, the less likely you will experience a drop in members. For this reason, you can use fake members initially, so you will see fewer drops during advertising.

Telegram Advertising:

Pop-up or Push Ads Method

Currently, due to filtering, it is not possible to advertise with pop-ups.

In this type of advertising, using some programs or as pop-ups, information and the link to join your channel or group are displayed to users. Users can choose to enter your channel or group voluntarily. In this type of advertising, users and audience members have less drop compared to the forced ads method. A lower percentage of those who join your channel leave, and the reason for this is that in forced ads, the user is not asked whether they are willing to join the channel or not. However, in this type of advertising, the audience joins your channel or group voluntarily, resulting in much less drop compared to other methods.

Telegram Advertising Questions

Users and marketers who visit us to advertise their Telegram channel or group, increase members, and generate income by increasing views on posts in their channel or group often ask questions such as: Free Telegram Advertising, Click Advertising in Telegram, Mass Advertising in Telegram, Remove Ads in Telegram, Channel Advertising in Telegram, Telegram Advertising Training, Advertising Prices in Telegram, Visit-based Advertising in Telegram, etc. These are questions that users often ask us in the field of Telegram advertising, and we will address them in future articles.

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