Telegram channel members / group
Telegram channel / group members price list . attention please we can add telegram real members or telegram silent members, but you must know that active members can leave from your channel because they are real and if they do not like your channel leave from it.
Price list of telegram channel members / group members
Add Telegram members with force add method:
All members will be added with Force add, what is the force add ? force add members means all subscribers added to your channel with force and they do not see your advertising, after added they can see your channel on their telegram.
whats is Real Silent member?
Real silent members is a type of force add method but your channel in mute mode for your members.
why active members gone from my channel?
because they are real and can see your channel on their telegram and if they do not like your channel can leave from it.
Our telegram channels
All members will be added with Force add, what is the force add ? force add members means all subscribers added to your channel with force and they do not see your advertising, after added they can see your channel on their telegram.
whats is Real Silent member?
Real silent members is a type of force add method but your channel in mute mode for your members.
why active members gone from my channel?
because they are real and can see your channel on their telegram and if they do not like your channel can leave from it.
Our telegram channels